Hello. I’m Kathi, in case you’ve forgotten.
And I’m coming clean.
I’ve hesitated to share because I’m changing my life and figuring out my new standard has been challenging.
I haven’t posted out of respect for the situation. But out of respect for my readers and my need to be authentic, I know it’s time to share. I’ve had messages with questions that I’d never dare ask anyone. But I understand. I’ve always put my experiences out there, so I expect to be judged.
I won’t lie. Some of the messages have been hurtful. I’m learning to develop a thick skin, and that’s not bad for someone born a people-pleaser. I’m willing to grow and I’m more than willing to share my experiences in hopes that they resonate with others in similar situations.
Eric moved out on December first.
I know it seems like a shock. We looked like the perfect couple. I did my best to post positive and fun things, but the reality was harsh. I kept things positive because I wanted to believe things were good. I think we both tried for so long.
When he left, I cried. I sat on the bathroom floor and cried harder than I think I ever have in my entire life. It was the death of all of my hopes and dreams. It was complete fear of starting over AGAIN. It was fear of not being able to make it financially. It was fear of facing another deep depression that I’d have to drag myself from the depths of darkness. It was the fear of my eating disorder relapsing and my losing control. It was fear of being alone….forever. Who would ever want to date someone soon-to-be 53 years old? It was the fear of not being able to retire ever. It was the fear of never being able to buy a piece of clothing without figuring out how to add it into my already tight budget. It was the fear of never being able to go on another trip.
Most of all, I feared making a mistake I couldn’t fix.
I’ve questioned so many things in the last three months. Why was I even doing this? Surely, it would be easier for both of us to stay in our current situation.
Except that I wasn’t happy.
Is happiness even a right? I have repeatedly questioned that.
Who am I to deserve happiness?
And then I read this. If you know me, you know I love Mel Robbins.

It spoke volumes to me.
And suddenly, I understood the assignment.
Please let me preface this by saying that Eric is the most intelligent, sophisticated, and handsome man I’ve ever dated. He is amazingly charming.
I should also add that since he’s left, I finally feel like myself again. I’m no longer angry. When you carry anger, it carries over to every part of your life. I was angry ALL of the time.
I’ve had to do a lot of soul-searching to find the source of my anger.
I realized that I’d been blaming him.
But the problem was ME.
Hello, the problem was me.
That’s so hard to say.
Eric came along immediately after my second husband left. You know the story…..he was a blind date. I hadn’t expected to find someone so soon. Subconsciously, I was looking for someone to fix all of my problems. He did fix many problems, especially the legal issues that constantly popped up during that time. Immediately, he became my knight in shining armor. I had high expectations for him. Still in the throes of an eating disorder and still mourning the loss of my last marriage, I expected him to heal me in all ways. I expected him to be a partner that would rescue me from financial burdens. I thought that he would support charities and that we would continue to attend the magnificent galas that we once did when we started dating. I thought that dating an attorney would validate me socially. I thought that he would make me feel more important and successful. I thought we would travel the world together and plan to grow old together. I thought that we’d become an unstoppable thing.
But then I realized I was asking more from him than he could give.
I realized I had to reconnect with myself to figure out what makes me happy.
I have realized that it is now my time.
I’m developing a vital relationship…..with myself.
I’m learning to love myself.
I could even say that I’m dating ME.
I’ve healed my eating disorder that no one else could.
I’ve become active in the community, which is so important to me.
I’m growing a reputation as an artist.
I’ve become successful in my profession.
I’m becoming a pro at budgeting.
I am paying off debt despite having my lowest income ever.
I’ve set goals for personal growth.
I laugh.
I dance to “girl power radio” in my bathroom in the mornings.
I cook while listening to jazz.
I read my devotional every morning.
I go to the coffee shop alone.
I continue our traditions alone.
I am growing friendships.
I treasure time with my family.
I am setting boundaries in all areas.
I am building new dreams for my future.
I work to make everyday extraordinary because life is short.
I’ve finally realized that no one is coming to rescue me.
I can make my future anything I design it to be.
I can meet my own needs.
I’ve realized that I am responsible for the rest of my life…yes, me alone.
I will make the rest of my life the BEST of my life.