Let me tell you…
This virtual teaching is kicking my butt!
I have literally spent each entire day in front of the computer, furiously checking and commenting on student work for nearly every student in the entire school. At first, I enjoyed learning the different technology programs and the challenge of putting together super-cute virtual learning lessons. But I’m over it. The school days fly by while I’m furiously trying to beat the clock to get all of the work done. I’ve gone home every afternoon with a headache and today I’ve battled itchy hives- which are purely stress related. But I know that this will pass, and I have learned things I never thought possible. I laugh because I remember completely freaking out a hundred years ago when I learned that we’d have to actually check our email. How quickly times change!
Thank goodness for my new blue light blocking glasses that I received in my Fab Fit Fun box this week. Today was my first day wearing them, and they totally helped my eyesight. If only they worked for itchy hives…..

Here’s my Favorite Five Friday list of celebrations…..
1-A Mid-Day Treat
Our principal, Mrs. Wolfe, treated us all to the best smoothie. I chose blueberry and it was out of this world yummy! Kind acts can really lift spirits! She is always so supportive of us teachers- definitely a shero.

2-My Fall Fab Fit Fun Box
The total bright spot in the day was opening my Fab Fit Fun box. Since I hadn’t taken the time to track it, it was a total surprise! I’ve been enjoying this subscription for several years now. If you have been on the fence about ordering the Fab Fit Fun boxes, DO IT! Check out my unboxing video….
3-International Cabernet Day
I celebrated International Cabernet Day on Thursday. Although I mostly drink white wines, I occasionally drink reds. I’m more prone to drink reds during the fall and winter. I’d probably drink it more if it didn’t turn my teeth purple. And that’s not a good look for me. We opened a bottle of Chateau St. Michelle. While it was good, I honestly prefer Aldi’s Winking Owl Cabernet. Priced at around $2.50, it’s pretty darn impressive. Sometimes, I’m a cheap date.

4-Baby Kitty
Baby kitten biscuit was spayed earlier this week. I’ve been dreading that day ever since I first got her. She powered through it like a trooper. The first day was pretty rough. She walked backward everywhere- which is a side effect of the anesthesia- and looked pretty rough. But after that, every day was better. Little was a great big brother and stayed by her side to comfort her.

5-New Bar Stools
Since we are occasionally a large family now, my seating for four just didn’t do. I found these great bar stools on Overstock. They came in sets of two. The price was reasonable and the fabric looks really nice! I didn’t want to invest in more expensive stools because eventually, there will be a big kitchen remodel. A big thanks to Eric for putting them together as soon as he got home from work. Husbanding ain’t easy.

As always, I challenge you to make a list of all the good things in your life this past week.
Happy Labor Day Weekend, friends!