Do you ever look at an old photo and remember what it felt like to really feel like yourself? Do you ever wonder what happened to you? What dampened your spark? That's me this holiday season. What happened to me? Where did fun Aunt Kathi go? I truthfully hadn't realized that I'd lost myself, or the extent of the absence of the fun life I always lived. I don't exactly know when I died. Maybe it was just a very slow death, that only those around me recognized. I didn't even realize my loss until I looked at memories of Christmases past. I don't want to be this person. This isn't who I am- the real me. What do you do? What do you do to get find your real self? How do you even deal with this realization? How did you get here? First, I wasn't true to myself. I've always been somewhat of a people-pleaser. I've lacked confidence in finding and being true to myself. And in my lack of self, I've hurt and disapointed many. I can't undo the damage I've caused. So, for 2023, my goal is to find the old me.....the happy, fun me. The me who posted %pictures and didn't care what anyone else thought. No more fake life. No more doing what everyone expects me to do. I'm not sure what the outcome will be for 2023. Will it be difficult? Will I force myself to grow 1000%? I'd say I've already set the ball in motion in 2022.
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